March Education Session - 31 Days & 31 Reasons to Hire a Planner

I meet a lot of couples. Some through Wedding Wire, Yelp, and other online resources. I also meet couples in person, at wedding fairs and networking events. What always makes me laugh, is when couples tell me "We're good, we don't need a planner. We're doing it ourselves; we've got it". That sounds really great in theory...and I even thought the same thing when I got married a decade ago, but the reality really don't got it. So, because I hear this often and I can't always relay the message to each couple, or future client, I decided to do a video/blog series for the month of March (Women's History Month), and educate some of these people. If you have a friend that's engaged, or know someone getting married, or in the capacity where they plan events (that aren't part of their job title), please share this with them. Encourage them to check out the YouTube Channel where all the tips will be posted daily. Whether they book us or someone else, doesn't matter to me (it kinda does, but it's not the point :), we just want to help people think logically when they are planning, especially their wedding.

So what is reason number one? Reason #1 is: Planners have experience you don't have. Your event will not be their first time planning. You may only plan one wedding, compared to the dozens of wedding a planner has managed. You may be planning your first company event, and a planner is already years ahead of you. Don't risk what you don't know; hire a pro.


5 Reasons To Host An Event At Cielo Rooftop Lounge, Hotel Valencia


March Education Series: 31 Days & 31 Reasons to Hire a Planner - Day 4